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Narrative of Former Slave Felix Haywood, 1936

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Courtesy of Library of Congress, Haywood, Felix, "Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King," 1936


Fred Dibble and Rheda Beehler traveled to various parts of Texas to interview former slaves as part of the Federal Writers' Project of the Works Progress Administration. This narrative captures the story of Felix Haywood of San Antonio, Texas, who recalls his time as a slave and the freedom that came with the end of the war.

Full Transcript of Felix Haywood's Narrative

Transcribed Excerpts from Felix Haywood's Narrative

Source-Dependent Questions

  • Describe Felix Haywood's feelings upon the end of the Civil War.
  • What type of possibilities for the future did freedom present to Haywood and other former slaves?
  • According to Haywood, why did he think that after his emancipation he would become rich? Thinking beyond the document, what challenges would Haywood and other former slaves have faced that would have made it difficult to gain economic freedom?

Citation Information 

Haywood, Felix, "Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 2, Easter-King," 1936. Courtesy of Library of Congress