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“Back to Buxton,” July 1, 2009

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Courtesy of University of Iowa Libraries and Archives, Biss, Eula, “Back to Buxton,” Poroi: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Rhetorical Analysis and Invention, Vol. 6, Issue 1, pg. 6-14, 1 July 2009


This article by Eula Biss, entitled “Back to Buxton,” was published in 2009 by the Project on Rhetoric of Inquiry at the University of Iowa. The article focuses on the general components of Buxton, Iowa, featuring its remarkable reputation as being a town where blacks and whites lived and worked together in peace and prosperity. The first excerpt talks about the physical location of Buxton. The second excerpt talks about the luxurious living conditions folks in Buxton enjoyed. The third excerpt acknowledges that no one knows exactly why the Consolidation Coal Company developed a community like Buxton. 

Full Transcript of "Back to Buxton"

Transcribed Excerpts from "Back to Buxton"

Source-Dependent Questions

  • Excerpt #1: The Consolidation Coal Company was owned by the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad. Why would a railroad company want to own a coal mining company?
  • Excerpt #2: What luxuries did people in Buxton enjoy?
  • Excerpt #3: In Buxton, the Consolidation Coal Company created the town and set many of the laws in the town. In our town today, people vote to pick the leaders who make the rules in our town. What would be the good things about a company making the town rules and what might be the bad things about that? 

Citation Information

Biss, Eula, “Back to Buxton,” Poroi: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Rhetorical Analysis and Invention, Vol. 6, Issue 1, pg. 6-14, 1 July 2009. Courtesy of University of Iowa Libraries and Archives